Litany to Begin Again

During Fr. Tim Gallagher’s workshop in Boston, Kirsten Butera recited her composition of this litany.  She went through the workshop handout and found every mention by Venerable Bruno Lanteri of beginning again.  It moved me deeply.  At the same time, I was wondering why the Oblates of the Virgin Mary never did the same thing after 200 years with the writings of Venerable Bruno

My addition to the litany is the opening phrase: “Good Jesus, through the intercession of your mother, Mary, grant …”  Some of Venerable Bruno’s prayers begin with “Good Jesus.”  The inclusion of Mary reflects Venerable Bruno’s devotion to her.  

God works in amazing ways.  May this litany always encourage you during your disappointing moments.  Please pray for Kirsten and her intentions.

Nunc coepi!  (Begin again!)

Lanteri Mary

(Compiled from the words of Venerable Bruno Lanteri, OMV)

Good Jesus,
through the intercession of your mother, Mary,
grant …

That I may begin immediately,
That I may never fail to begin again,
That I may begin even without devotion,

That I may begin each day,
That I may begin every day,
That I may begin every hour of the day,
That I may say with boldness, “Now I begin,”

That I may begin humbly and with full confidence,
That I may begin with holy tenacity,
That I may begin with faith,
That I may begin with gentleness,
That I may begin with peace,

That I may decide always to begin,
That I may begin again, firmly convinced that God forgives me,
That I may rise immediately and begin again,
That I may always, and in every moment, begin again,

That I may begin again to trust,
That I may begin again to hope,
That I may begin again to love,

Venerable Bruno, pray for me. Amen.

(Composed by Kirsten Butera, February 9, 2020,
St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, Boston, Massachusetts)

2 thoughts on “Litany to Begin Again

  1. Dear Jonas, I am so happy you have a blog ! Thanks a lot for the image you put on this blog. I often saw that image, but I never realized how beautiful it is once we see it that big. We can see and almost feel the strokes of the painter on the canvas. And thanks for the litanies of the “Nunc Coepi”. I will translate them and put them also on my blog. Ciao ! Guy, omv


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